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Welcome to the technical guide on handling members in KamioKash. This document outlines the process flow for member management, including creation, linking to an Identity Provider (IDP), and enabling transactions.

Wallets and Transactions are an opt-in feature that allows flexibility in creating your program, orders and bookings can be created without using wallets and transactions.

Member Creation

To start, members must be created through our API. This involves providing basic information such as name, email, and an external ID.

POST /api/members
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"externalID": "unique-external-id",
"idp": "[YOUR IDP]",
"userId": "[Your IDP user ID]"

The external ID unique-external-id will be used a reference for this member thought the system when creating Orders and Wallets, we also store Idp references for use on your backend server to handle easy reference to your user IDs

Enabling Transactions

With the member created and authenticated, they're now ready to initiate transactions. This includes creating orders, managing wallets, and linking to bookings.

Creating a Wallet

Each member needs a wallet to manage their transactions.

POST /api/wallets
"owner": "unique-external-id"
"externalId": "wallet_123",
"name": "string",