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Uploading/Importing Data

This documentation will guide you through the process of uploading or importing data into the KamioKash system. Follow the steps below to successfully upload your documents.

We currently only support upload of XLSX documents through the admin UI

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Access Systems Tab

Navigate to the Systems tab in the KamioKash dashboard.

2. Select Uploads

Click on the Uploads option from the menu.

3. Upload a File

  • Click on the drop a file to upload or click to select it area.
  • Choose the document you wish to upload from your device.

4. Document Appearance

Once selected, the document will appear in the upload section.

5. Sheet Name

  • Select the sheet from your spreadsheet that you wish to upload.
  • Ensure you choose the correct sheet name to avoid any issues.

6. Entity Type

  • Specify the Entity Type which denotes the type of information being uploaded.
  • This helps in categorizing and processing the data correctly.
  • Types:
    • Transactions - Transaction imports require a rule to be selected before import to specify how the transaction is assigned in relation to that rule, eg: a 150% rule will import 150% of the amount speficied in the file see the Rules documentation or contact us to find out how to set these up

7. Save and Import

After completing the above steps, click the Save button to import the data/information.

8. Progress

Once the process begins, the Admin UI will report status and any issues on the files, it will report duplicate records, or records that fail validation

The process will import all valid and non duplicate records

By following these steps, you will be able to upload and import data into the KamioKash system efficiently. If you encounter any issues, please refer to our support documentation or contact our support team.